This had a good and funny story. How you were able to make a whole life using just one fact about one man. It brought a tear to my eye at the end.
This had a good and funny story. How you were able to make a whole life using just one fact about one man. It brought a tear to my eye at the end.
Apart from some bad singing near the start the animation was great and the point of it really went through.
Ha ha ya... the singing wasn't great to begin with and not so much overall but it came directly from the heart which is what matters I guess. Glad you got the point!
A good animation, STupid drawings but still one of the funniest fthings i have seen for a while now. And i agree with Mismo, the ending is too long.
I onl stopped lolling around the 9th time through
He got problems
This isnt a bad animation. I have seen all of your cat face animatins and I say this is one of the best ones.
ok then....
A really good video. Havent seen something like this for a long time. Just one question, why pick on RWJ. Oh and what d u mean about meekakity
ok then....
I do not get the storyline, I do not get that rhino, I dont get anything, but the animation was alright and it is a good comedy.
Not bad
This isnt that bad. The storyline was good as well. Its the best comedy I have seen for ages.
I agree
I agree with fastfly. This video is the best I have sen on Newgrounds yet. I hope you are gonna be making another video.
Joined on 2/13/10